Thursday, April 9, 2009


I have been hunting for tropical fresh fruits. I could not bring home such things to keep the memories alive, but I have been determined to find them, for my own nostalgia and to share some of the South Asian experience with my children.

In looking for tropical Easter treats, I have discovered several things. First is tropical fruits can be hard to find, especially the elusive dragon fruit and the lovely custard apple (a.k.a custard fruit.) Second discovery is many tropical fruits are easier to get alhold of fresh frozen. Not quite as good, but better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, right? (I found frozen custard apples, but they look brown. We will see how they taste!) Third discovery is green coconuts, shaved and ready to drink are cheap, $1.50 or less! Fourth is that whole dragon fruits look like little dragons. And lastly is the name of that mystery fruit I fell so in love with on the cruise: mangosteen.

Mangosteen are not a type of mango, or a type of bovine. They look like a red plum, but don't eat the red! I let one thaw for an hour, and cut it in half, revealing the soft white meat inside. Perfect, sweet and chilled. I honestly never thought I would see them again. Now they are in my freezer! Happy to share!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Regaining the Mundane

Settling back into the old routine can be difficult. Not so much because I have changed so monumentally. Time will tell on that score. Now, I have even dropped the Indian accent that I gained temporarily (people in India understand me more when I use an accent…), and while I have spent time trying to get the fruits and dishes I enjoyed abroad, I have also had to cook from my own less inspiring repertoire of dishes.

Aside from a persistent cough brought from the land of SARS, bird flu and TB, I fear that I may still be suffering from jet lag. I get dead tired at about 8pm, and come wide awake at about 5am. Not so helpful for my life working nights (sadly, by the time I could work the day shift, the jet lag will have faded.)

Even though my pantry is now restocked and there is fresh fruit on my counter, I fear that it may be some time before I can be up until 2am folding laundry (OK, you got me, playing video games!) or sleeping in to noon.