Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Regaining the Mundane

Settling back into the old routine can be difficult. Not so much because I have changed so monumentally. Time will tell on that score. Now, I have even dropped the Indian accent that I gained temporarily (people in India understand me more when I use an accent…), and while I have spent time trying to get the fruits and dishes I enjoyed abroad, I have also had to cook from my own less inspiring repertoire of dishes.

Aside from a persistent cough brought from the land of SARS, bird flu and TB, I fear that I may still be suffering from jet lag. I get dead tired at about 8pm, and come wide awake at about 5am. Not so helpful for my life working nights (sadly, by the time I could work the day shift, the jet lag will have faded.)

Even though my pantry is now restocked and there is fresh fruit on my counter, I fear that it may be some time before I can be up until 2am folding laundry (OK, you got me, playing video games!) or sleeping in to noon.

1 comment:

  1. Or maybe folding laundry while playing video computer games at 2 am. :)
