Saturday, March 28, 2009

A Very Long Day

For most of us, a day is 24 hour long. Being nocturnal, at times I see each and every hour as it slides by. But this was an unusual situation. Boarding the jet-plane shortly after midnight, we preceded to flee the oncoming dawn, crossing over Iran (carefully avoiding Pakistan and Afghanistan airspace,) then Eastern Europe and Germany, landing in scenic Amsterdam shortly after dawn. On the clock, we had traveled about 5 hours. But this trip a quarter way wound the globe took about double that.

Sadly we had very little time to enjoy Dutch hospitality (or even the gift shop) before we joined the line for the trans-Atlantic flight. Again fleeing the morning, we arced over the globe, over northern UK (causing Shreeyash to pine for Edenborough,) south of Greenland then over Labrador and Quebec. About ten hours in flight again, we set down in Detroit.

Much as I have completely loved Singapore, and Puket, and Kochin and Mumbai and Pune, it is so nice to return home. Home of the red, white and blue, the land of “please” and “thank you.”

And again I blink. Was I REALLY riding on a motorcycle though some of the most dangerous streets in the world just hours ago? Sitting cross-lazed or cement floors, eating with my right had? Watching wild monkeys cavort? Plucking quartz for the dry earth and exploring ancient carved caves? Did that really happen?

Nothing appears to have changed here. Webkinz are still on sale in the airport shop, as they were weeks ago. I am still wearing my second-hand trench coat. My bags are still packed. Right here.

But there has been a change. I have my pictures and memories, and a promise. A promise to return as soon as possible; not to let another fifteen years pass. I promise to be a part of my family, by e-mail or in person, and to return the warmth and love shown to me.

With a return to Detroit from the east, just over two weeks after leaving to the west, comes quiet satisfaction in my moments of introspection. On this fifteenth day, the circumnavigation of the globe is complete. I have completed 15 days around the world.


  1. GREAT blog! A few typos (hurriedly done as you travel makes for those), but such a fun read. Very well written and sure makes me want to travel! Glad you were able to have this wonderful experience and we're hoping you can return more often to visit with family.

  2. Well, I lost my first comment. Not used to this stuff.
    Great blog except for a few typos (those things happen when you're journaling in a hurry along the road!). Made me want to travel. What a great experience and how wonderful to see your family again. We're hoping you'll be able to visit them more often and continue these experiences. Thanks for sharing! --RUTH

  3. Oh, well. See I told you I don't comment on blogs. So now you get three since I didn't know the first one took.
